Objective: To identify the correlation between vasoactive-inotropic score (VIS) and enteral nutrition absorption ability in critically ill patients.
Design: This was an observational analytical study with a prospective approach and cohort study design.
Setting: The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia, from August to October 2024.
Patients: This study included all patients treated in the ICU who used vasopressors, inotropic, or a combination of both to maintain hemodynamics.
Interventions: Twenty-five patients underwent nasogastric tube (NGT) insertion. Enteral nutrition was given a 10 ml/hour bolus via NGT. In the sixth hour, after being closed for 30 minutes, the NGT lid was opened, and gastric residue was aspirated and assessed.
Measurements and results: There was a significant difference between VIS in patients with low and high enteral residue (p=0.001), where VIS was found to be higher in patients with high residue compared to low residue (23.8±2.74 vs 16.5±5.95). There was a high linear correlation between VIS and residue volume. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve using the Youden index found that the VIS cut-off point value to determine the occurrence of high enteral residue (>60 ml) was 21 (sensitivity 83%, specificity 84%).
Conclusions: The higher the VIS, the lower the absorption of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients. The VIS cut-off value of 21 might predict high enteral residue.
Chrysnawati Lidia Ratnasari, Muhammad Rum, Syamsul Hilal Salam, Hisbullah, Faisal Muchtar, Ari Santri Palinrungi
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Correlation between vasoactive-inotropic score and enteral nutrition absorption ability in critically ill patients
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