ABO group incompatibility at the time of transfusion of blood products carries risks ranging from mild adverse reactions to death of the patient. In modern obstetrics, the leading cause of death is obstetric hemorrhage, for which uterotonics, compression sutures, arterial ligatures, solutions, and blood products are used. For this reason, it is necessary to know the blood group and Rh of each patient admitted for obstetric surgery and have her sign a consent form for transfusion of blood or blood derivatives, explaining all the adverse effects that may occur in the event of complications. We describe a case of postpartum transfusion with a hemolytic reaction due to ABO incompatibility and its clinical management.
Francisco Javier Castro-Apodaca, Míriam Astorga-Silvas, José Ángel Uriarte-Valenzuela, Yara Montserrat Gutiérrez-Romero, María Graciela Patricia Torres Castellanos-Ley, Dalia Magaña-Ordorica, Javier Abednego Magaña-Gómez, Gloría María Peña-García, Adrían Canizalez-Roman, Nidia Leon-Sicairos, Joseph Varon, Joel Murillo-Llanes
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Hemolytic reaction due to ABO incompatibility in postpartum transfusion: Case report
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