Uteroplacental apoplexy is a very rare pathology characterized by extravasation of blood in the myometrium secondary to a massive retroplacental hematoma. Its diagnosis must be made in a timely manner to allow for effective intervention and avoid life-threatening maternal and fetal complications.
Francisco Javier Castro-Apodaca, Joel Murillo-Llanes, Jesús Alberto Cortez-Hernández, César Enrique Favela-Heredia, Dalia Magaña-Ordorica, Javier Abednego Magaña-Gómez, Yuridia Lizet Cháidez-Fernández, Adrian Canizalez-Roman, Nidia León-Sicairos, Paul González-Quintero, José Pavel Zatarain-Mendívil, Fred Morgan-Ortíz, Joseph Varon
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Postpartum uteroplacental apoplexy: A case report
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