Methanol is toxic, with its harmful effects stemming from formic acid. Methanol poisoning, a significant public health issue, usually follows oral consumption. Such poisoning incidents are frequent in Iran and globally. Ethanol or fomepizole serves as the conventional treatment for methanol toxicity. Mixed intoxication involving both ethanol and methanol is relatively rare but can have severe consequences. This study detailed a 29-year-old man who died after consuming an alcoholic beverage and the incorrect hospital administration of ethanol. Postmortem toxicological tests showed high ethanol and methanol levels in femoral blood and vitreous humor. The cause of death was attributed to acute ethanol intoxication. The clinical presentation, toxicological findings, and postmortem examination are discussed. This highlights the need to improve surveillance and treatment for methanol poisoning episodes, particularly in Iran.
Sajjad Sadeghi
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An unusual fatal case of mixed intoxication with ethanol and methanol, a case report
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