Ginger (Zingiber officinale) contains anti-inflammatory and antiemetic properties; however, it can disrupt hemostasis. The case report describes a 35-year-old man who suffered significant bleeding following a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, probably due to high preoperative ginger usage for weight loss. A literature analysis indicates ginger’s antiplatelet as well as anticoagulant activities, underlining the danger of perioperative bleeding associated with excessive intake of herbal anticoagulants such as ginger. Surgical patients should avoid taking too much ginger. Clinicians must evaluate herbal-drug interactions. More study is needed to provide safe, evidence-based dose guidelines for ginger.
A. Alshimemeri, H. Al-Mishari, E. Shoukry, E. Ali, M. Metawe
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A young adult male with postoperative bleeding following bariatric surgery
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