Meconium is the first stool passed by a newborn within the first 24-48 hours of life. In certain circumstances, meconium can be expelled while the fetus is still in the uterus, resulting in contamination of the amniotic fluid. Newborns may develop meconium aspiration if they possess risk factors such as the presence of thick meconium, abnormal cardiotocographic trace, fetal acidosis, cesarean section (CS), the requirement for intubation at birth, and low Apgar scores. Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) can give rise to a range of complications, varying in severity.
This article presents a case report involving a newborn diagnosed with MAS who also experienced pneumothorax complications. Fortunately, the newborn survived without encountering more severe complications.
Simon Nanlohy, Yoke Kinanthi Putri
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Pneumothorax due to meconium aspiration syndrome: A case report
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