Toxic shock syndrome related to the use of a menstrual cup in a pediatric patient



Menstrual cups, made of hypoallergenic rubber or silicone, were first marketed in the 1930’s but have become increasingly popular. Menstrual cups may be less expensive, more environmentally friendly and potentially a safer alternative to tampons and menstrual pads, although the safety of these cups is unknown. We report a case of a 17.5-year-old female who developed probable toxic shock syndrome related to use of The DivaCup®. We suggest that women presenting with signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome be asked specifically about their use of a menstrual cup in addition to tampons, because it may be a risk factor and present requires prompt removal for source control.

Lucy B. Stanke, Elizabeth A. Farrington, Michael Stoiko


Current issue

February 2025, Volume 28 Number 1

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