Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is increasingly being employed in the management of acute respiratory failure associated with a number of disease states. However, while there is strong evidence from randomized trials supporting its routine use in the intensive care units (ICU), the task of integrating NIV into standard practice remains a challenging one. In this article, we discuss different considerations surrounding NIV incorporation into hospitals’ standard programs for managing acute respiratory distress. We also outline the important factors crucial for setting up an NIV program and diffusing its operation and the derivable benefits into a clinic’s respiratory care management system. It is important that the NIV diffusion process is anchored on the experience of a clinical champion, an early adopter and opinion leader who is effective in communicating the benefits of noninvasive mechanical ventilation methods to other clinicians.
Abdullah AlShimemeri
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How to initiate noninvasive ventilation program in your hospital
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