Popsicle-induced life-threatening angioedema: case report and literature review



Carmine red is a colorant used widely in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, and it has been reported previously as a cause of allergic reaction to sensitive patients ranging from mild skin erythema to angioedema and anaphylaxis. We present a case of a life-threatening allergic reaction to carmine dye present in an ice-popsicle, which was given to a patient in the hospital setting. The patient developed an acute allergic reaction consisting of angioedema that led to a full cardiorespiratory arrest. Proper labeling of products containing carmine dye are necessary in order to prevent life-threatening or lethal allergic reactions. These products must not be included in the food provided in healthcare institutions.

Eduardo Fastag, Joseph Varon


Current issue

February 2025, Volume 28 Number 1

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