Induced hypothermia in cardiogenic shock: a case report


Induced hypothermia (IH) has been used for over 60 years (1) as an adjuvant therapy in a group of critically ill patients. Described by Fay in the 1940s, (2) IH has been used in operating rooms since the early 1950s for patients undergoing cardiac surgery and neurosurgery. The use of IH after cardiac arrest was first reported in 1957 by Benson et al. (3) The beneficial effects of hypothermia in animal tests during periods of ischemia result in a wide range of biological effects and it is not a simple mechanism of action. When IH is used in any clinical

Octavio González-Chon, Daniel Aguilar-Zapata, Magali Herrera-Gomar, Daniela Morales-Espinosa, Andrés González Hijar, Sandra García-López


Current issue

February 2025, Volume 28 Number 1

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